Hatch CM
Environmental Stress Screening

Ensuring Component Durability
Hatch Contract Manufacturing recognizes the importance of ensuring the resilience and reliability of components and systems. To this end, Hatch manages Environmental Stress Screening (ESS) services as part of its quality assurance and risk management strategies. Hatch’s strategic partners have state-of-the-art equipment and skilled personnel to simulate extreme conditions. Through this testing, components can be subjected to varying degrees of temperature, humidity, and vibration to identify potential failures before products are deployed in the field.
Environmental Stress Screening Managed Services
- Thermal Cycling
- Temperature & Humidity Bias
- Vibration Testing
- Shock Testing
- Altitude Testing
- Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT)
- Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS)
- Burn-In Testing
- Thermal Cycling
- Temperature & Humidity Bias
- Vibration Testing
- Shock Testing
- Altitude Testing
- Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT)
- Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS)
- Burn-In Testing

Improved Reliability
ESS helps in detecting early failures in components and systems. By exposing parts to extreme conditions, weak points are identified and can be rectified before the product is deployed.

Reduced Life-Cycle Costs
ESS helps to minimize the life-cycle costs of products by catching defects early in the manufacturing process. This proactive approach reduces the need for costly repairs and maintenance down the line.

Enhanced Safety & Performance
By ensuring that products can withstand environment stressors, ESS contributes to the safety and performance of the components.

Customer Confidence & Satisfaction
Products that have undergone ESS and are proven to be resilient in the face of environmental stresses are likely to build greater confidence among end-users in the reliability and quality of products purchased.